Research Paper Volume 2, Issue 12 pp 908—913

The age of the target cell affects B-cell leukaemia malignancy


Figure 2. Transformed hematopoietic pro-genitor/stem cells express comparable levels of exogenous BCR-ABL. Expression of BCR-ABL was measure by real-time PCR in BM cells of CombitTA-p190 mice at the age of 4 months, 12 months, and 20 months. Doxycycline was given at 4mg/mL for 4 months, 12 months, and 20 months. BCR-ABL expression was measured in CombitTA-p190 mice under doxycycline treatment (+) and mice of the same age once the doxycycline has been removed (−). The mean Ct values of triplicate assays are presented. (BM, bone marrow; wt, wild-type).