Research Paper Volume 4, Issue 2 pp 119—132

Automated image analysis of nuclear shape: What can we learn from a prematurely aged cell?


Figure 3. Imaging analysis of RAD001 and rapamycin treated HGPS cells.

(a) Heat maps that represent the boundary curvature of the HGPS cells treated with the vehicle (mock), 100 nM and 500 nM RAD001 (Rad), and rapamycin (Rap). (b) MNC of populations from the mock treated HGPS cell lines is statistically different from the populations of RAD001 or rapamycin treated cells (p < 0.001) (c-e) Compared to the mock treated nuclei, the RAD001 and rapamycin treated nuclei have smaller area (c) and fewer invaginations (d), but similar eccentricity (e).