Figure 4. Leukocytosis and cardiac expression of genes involved in the immune response.
(A) Blood was extracted from the tail vain of WT, mIGF-1 Tg mice and mIGF-1; SIRT1 CKO mice and was processed for Hemavet analysis to quantify WBC types: neutrophiles (NE), lymphocytes (LY), monocytes (MO), eosinophiles (EO) and basophiles (BA). Results are means ± SE of 5-11 animals for each genotype (*,** p versus WT mice). (B) The expression levels of lymphocyte antigene 86, CXCL14, C3, CD53 antigen, CCL21A, CCL21B and CCR2 mRNAs were examined by Real Time-PCR in the heart of WT, mIGF-1 Tg and mIGF-1 Tg; SIRT1 CKO mice. Results are means ± SE of 5 animals for each genotype (*,**p versus WT mice).