Research Paper Volume 4, Issue 10 pp 664—673

Cystathionine beta synthase modulates senescence of human endothelial cells


Figure 4. CBS overexpression delays premature senescence in human endothelial cells.

(A) Left panel: Cumulative population doublings of CBS overexpressing (OE) and control HUVEC were calculated, beginning 11 days after infection. Growth curves represent three independent experiments in each case. Right panel: CBS Western blot after lentiviral infection with the CBS overexpression and control construct. (B) Left panel: Bar diagram displaying relative percentage of SA-ß-gal positive cells 46 days after lentiviral infection with the CBS overexpression and control construct. Data are represented as mean ± SE (n=3). ***: p<0.001 Right panel: Representative micrographs of cells stained for SA-ß-gal activity.