Research Paper Volume 5, Issue 1 pp 18—36

Age-associated alterations in inducible gene transcription in human CD4+ T lymphocytes


Figure 4. Age-associated changes in induction cha-racteristics of differentially expressed genes.

Top 50 differentially up- (red) and down- (green) regulated genes in CD4+ T cells from Old (O) (≥65) and Young (Y) (<65) donors after 2h TCR activation. These genes were selected based on the absolute value of the Z-ratios among the statistically significant selected genes (2O-2Y, column 1), O (column 2) and the Y (column 3). Genes highlighted within the red box were induced in both O and Y groups, the green box were repressed in both O and Y groups, the blue box genes were induced in Y but not in O groups, and the yellow box were repressed in Y not in the O group.