Figure 6. Casodex treatment causes fragile telomeres and sister chromatid fusion in LNCaP cells.
Metaphase spreads were prepared from LNCaP cells that had been treated without (control) or with Casodex for 24 hr, and then subjected to telomere-FISH. (A), Microscopic images showing representative metaphase spreads from control untreated and Casodex-treated LNCaP cells. Telomere-FISH labels telomeres red. DAPI counterstaining (blue) was used to visualize DNA. White arrows indicate chromosomes with multiple telomere signals, referred to as fragile telomeres. Yellow arrowheads indicate long arm sister telomere fusion. (B), Higher magnification images illustrate examples of normal telomeres and fragile telomeres of chromosomes from Casodex-treated LNCaP cells (left panel). Metaphase spreads were scored for the percentage of chromosomes with multiple telomere signals (fragile telomeres) (right panel). We evaluated 2095 chromosomes of control untreated cells, and 1390 chromosomes of Casodex-treated cells. Bars represent the mean ± standard deviation. (C), Higher magnification images illustrate examples of long arm sister chromatid fusion in Casodex-treated LNCaP cells (left panel). Metaphase spreads were scored for the percentage of chromosomes with long arm sister chromatid fusion (right panel). We evaluated 2072 chromosomes of control untreated cells, and 1164 chromosomes of Casodex-treated cells. Bars represent the mean ± standard deviation.