Research Paper Volume 5, Issue 4 pp 315—327

Overexpression of Sir2 in the adult fat body is sufficient to extend lifespan of male and female Drosophila


Figure 1. Increased expression of Sir2 in the fat body extended lifespan of male and female flies.

Mated female (A) or male (C) UAS-Sir2>S1106-Gal4 flies were fed 400 μM RU486 or diluent (ethanol) throughout adult life and lifespan was determined. As a control for a potential lifespan extending effect of RU486, the driver line was crossed to w1118 and female (B) or male control flies (D) of the F1 generation were treated as the experimental flies. For p-values of log rank test see Table 1, n = 100 for each group.