Research Paper Volume 5, Issue 6 pp 412—426

A decline in PABPN1 induces progressive muscle weakness in Oculopharyngeal muscle dystrophy and in muscle aging


Figure 5. RT-qPCR analysis of PABPN1 expression trends in OPMD and during muscle aging.

(A) Box plot shows PABPN1expression in Vastus lateralis from expPABPN1 carriers at a pre-symptomatic (pre-symp) or symptomatic (OPMD) stages, and age-matching control groups. (B) Box plot showsPABPN1expression in blood form OPMD patients and controls. (C) Scatter plot shows PABPN1expression in 78 healthy controls age 17-89 years. Male and female samples are indicated in black and grey, respectively. A quadratic fit is shown with a black line (a), and linear fits are for the age groups: 17-42 years (b) or 43-89 years (c) are denoted in grey. The table summarizes p-values and Beta ± standard errors, which were calculated after gender correction. Fold-changes were calculated after normalization of GUSB housekeeping gene and to control group age 17-22 years (A, C) or age matching controls (B). N denotes the number of samples in each group.