Research Paper Volume 5, Issue 10 pp 741—758

TAF-4 is required for the life extension of isp-1, clk-1 and tpk-1 Mit mutants


Figure 3. Pgst-4::GFP Reporter Expression in isp-1 Mit Mutants is Modulated by Multiple Transcription Factors.

isp-1(qm150) Mit mutants constitutively activate the Pgst-4::GFP reporter from the L4 stage to mid-adulthood. Shown are the effects of different transcription factor feeding RNAi treatments on the expression of GFP in one-day adult isp-1(qm150); Pgst-4::GFP worms versus control one-day old adult Pgst-4::GFP worms. All worms were placed on RNAi lawns as one day arrested L1 and consequently daf-2 RNAi resulted in isp-1(qm150); Pgst-4::GFP dauer arrest (compare Supplementary Figure S2). The Pgst-4::GFP reporter is constitutively activated in dauer worms (not shown).