Research Paper Volume 5, Issue 11 pp 813—824

Dietary and genetic effects on age-related loss of gene silencing reveal epigenetic plasticity of chromatin repression during aging


Figure 3. Heat shock response of the HS-lacZ promoter is not age-sensitive.

Following a 5 minute heat shock and X-gal staining of 10 day and 50 day old euchromatin HS-lacZ control line flies, total cells and lacZ expressing cells were counted in Malpighian tubules and oenocytes for three independent biological replicates from three separate cohorts. No significant difference in the percent of lacZ-positive cells in Malpighian tubules or oenocytes was seen with age. Each data point represents a minimum of 15 flies for a total of at least 30 flies (≥ 11,400 cells) for Malpighian tubules and at least 15 flies for a total of at least 30 flies (≥3,300 cells) total for oenocytes. Error bars represent SD.