Research Paper Volume 6, Issue 4 pp 335—350

Increased mitochondrial biogenesis preserves intestinal stem cell homeostasis and contributes to longevity in Indy mutant flies


Figure 6.

Indy mutations preserve ISC homeostasis. INDY transports citrate from hemolymph into the cells and vice versa. Cytoplasmic citrate can be transported to mitochondria and used as a substrate for the TCA cycle. Reduced INDY-mediated transport decreases citrate levels and decreases the ATP/ADP ratio. Such changes activate AMPK, promoting fat oxidation and dPGC-1 synthesis. The increase in dPGC-1 activity increases mitochondrial biogenesis and transcription of ROS-detoxification genes. Decreased ROS production preserves ISC homeostasis, which contributes to Indy mediated longevity extension.