Research Paper Volume 6, Issue 6 pp 496—510

DNA damage signaling regulates age-dependent proliferative capacity of quiescent inner ear supporting cells


Figure 9.

Transdifferentiation does not trigger DNA damage. (A-C') In both P2 and P6 cochlear explants, DAPT treatment for 3 DIV triggers production of ectopic, myo6-labeled outer hair cells. The extent of γH2AX expression is similar as in non-treated cochleas. (D-E'') Similarly, in P6 utricular explants, DAPT treatment for 3 DIV triggers production of ectopic, myo6-labeled hair cells. New hair cells (outlined in D-D'') are in direct contact with each other and lack mature stereociliary bundles, based on myo6 and phalloidin labelings. The extent of γH2AX expression in ectopic hair cells is similar to normally developed hair cells and to hair cells in vehicle-treated control utricles. Abbreviations: co, cochlea; γH2AX, Ser 139 phospho-rylated histone H2AX; Myo6, myosin 6; Phall, phalloidin; utr, utricle. Scale bar, shown in E'': A-C', 20 µm; D-E'', 13 µm.