Figure 5. p50 DNA binding declines with age.
(A and C) Immunoblots, using the indicated antibody, in tissue lysate from Nfkb1+/+ mouse brain (A) and liver (C) at 1 and 18 months of age. n=3 animals per group. (B and D) EMSA in tissue lysate from Nfkb1+/+ mouse brain (B) and liver (D) at 1 and 18 months of age. Supershift (SS) was performed with the indicated antibodies. n=3 animals per group. N-non-specific and S-specific cold competitors verify the NF-(B bands. NS-non-specific bands. (E) Immunoblot using the indicated antibodies in primary Nfkb1+/+ MEFs at passage 2, 4, and 6. n=3 each lane represents a separate MEF isolate.