Research Paper Volume 6, Issue 11 pp 931—942

Loss of Nfkb1 leads to early onset aging


Figure 5. p50 DNA binding declines with age.

(A and C) Immunoblots, using the indicated antibody, in tissue lysate from Nfkb1+/+ mouse brain (A) and liver (C) at 1 and 18 months of age. n=3 animals per group. (B and D) EMSA in tissue lysate from Nfkb1+/+ mouse brain (B) and liver (D) at 1 and 18 months of age. Supershift (SS) was performed with the indicated antibodies. n=3 animals per group. N-non-specific and S-specific cold competitors verify the NF-(B bands. NS-non-specific bands. (E) Immunoblot using the indicated antibodies in primary Nfkb1+/+ MEFs at passage 2, 4, and 6. n=3 each lane represents a separate MEF isolate.