Figure 5.
Progerin expression significantly decreases MIAMI cell migration. (A) GFP-lamin A MIAMI and GFP-progerin MIAMI cells were scraped at 0 hrs with a 2mL glass pipette tip. Scraped areas were imaged at 0, 24, 48, and 72 hours, with and without FTI, to monitor cellular migration. (B) Progerin expression significantly decreases migration at 24, 48, and 72 hours. FTI treatment significantly increases migration at 24, 48, and 72 hours when compared to untreated progerin MIAMI cells. (C) Lamin A and Progerin MIAMI cells were plated in MIAMI media containing no FBS in the upper chamber of a transwell. MIAMI media with FBS was placed in the bottom chamber. After 24 hours, cells remaining in the upper chamber were washed away, and cells that migrated to the bottom of the transwell were stained with DAPI and immunofluorescently imaged. Progerin expression significantly decreases migration through the transwell membrane. Values are mean ± standard deviation (n≥3). *p<0.05, calculated by Student's t-test.