Research Paper Volume 7, Issue 5 pp 319—333

Biological ageing and frailty markers in breast cancer patients


Figure 1. Trends of the 4 biomarkers showing significant association with chronological age.

(A) Mean telomere length (expressed as T/S ratio) versus age. N=196, Spearman correlation coefficient (rs) = −0.396, p<0.0001. (B) IL-6 versus age. N=238, rs = 0.272, p<0.0001. (C) IGF-1 versus age. N=213, rs = −0.529, p<0.001. (D) MCP-1 versus age. N=238, rs = 0.412, p<0.0001. For graphical reasons, two outliers are not shown in both the IL-6 and MCP-1 scatterplots: IL-6 of 277.98 pg/ml in a patient aged 42 years, and MCP-1 of 2296 pg/ml in a patient aged 81 years.