Research Paper Volume 7, Issue 7 pp 486—499

Transgenic mice overexpressing glia maturation factor-β, an oxidative stress inducible gene, show premature aging due to Zmpste24 down-regulation


Figure 5. Histological appearance of the kidney, liver and abdominal aorta in WT and GMF-TG mice.

(A-F) These photographs show an overview of the hematoxylin-eosin (HE) (A and D), periodic acid–schiff (PAS) (B and E), and Masson trichrome (MTC) (C and F) stained kidney sections in the WT (A-C) and GMF-TG (D-F) mice at 30 weeks. (G-L) These photographs show an overview of the HE (G and J), PAS (H and K), and MTC (I and L) stained liver sections in the WT (G-I) and GMF-TG (J-L) mice at 30 weeks. (M-R) These photographs show an overview of the HE (M and P), PAS (N and Q), and MTC (O and R) stained abdominal aorta sections in the WT (M-O) and GMF-TG (P-R) mice at 30 weeks. These findings revealed no histological differences between the WT and GMF-TG mice. Magnifications: ×100, Scale Bar = 200 μm.