Research Paper Volume 7, Issue 8 pp 535—552

Endurance exercise and selective breeding for longevity extend Drosophila healthspan by overlapping mechanisms


Figure 4. Sensory receptor mutations increase exercise capacity.

(A) Endurance of both gr64a and or83b mutants is significantly higher than a w1118 background control (log-rank; p <.0001 for each, n ≥ 100). (B) Exercised w1118 background control males had significantly less cardiac failure in response to electrical pacing stress than did unexercised cohorts (ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc comparison, p <.0001). Both Gr64a and Or83b flies had significantly less cardiac failure than unexercised w1118 controls whether exercised or not (ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc comparison, p <.0001). Exercised Or83b flies displayed a higher failure rate than exercised background controls (t-test, p=.0009) while maintaining a failure rate significantly lower than unexercised w1118 flies (t-test, p <.0001). (C) Unexercised gr64a males have a slower decline in negative geotaxis speed than control males (two-way ANOVA, p <.0001). Nevertheless, gr64a males still display significant improvement in negative geotaxis following training (two-way ANOVA, p <.0001, n ≥ 100). Exercised controls have higher climbing index across ages compared to unexercised controls (two-way ANOVA, p <.0001, n ≥ 100). (D) Unexercised or83b males have a slower decline in negative geotaxis speed than control males (two-way ANOVA, p <.0001, n ≥ 100). Nevertheless, or83b males still display significant improvement in negative geotaxis following training (two-way ANOVA, p <.0001, n ≥ 100). Exercised controls have higher climbing index across ages compared to unexercised controls (two-way ANOVA, p <.0001, n ≥ 100).