Research Paper Volume 7, Issue 9 pp 648—660

Heart-specific Rpd3 downregulation enhances cardiac function and longevity


Figure 1. Stress resistance induced by Rpd3 downregulation.

(A) Expression level of the rpd3 gene between 2-day-old adult male flies of wild-type (+/+: 100%) and rpd3 heterozygous mutant (rpd3−/+) using RT-PCR. Bar: mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) from six independent experiments with three different cDNAs; parenthesis: expression level changed; p-value (*): Student's t-test. (B) The difference in oxidative stress tolerance between 2-day-old wild-type male flies and the rpd3 mutants. The survival curve (p-value: log-rank test) indicates that oxidative resistance is significantly enhanced by reduced rpd3 expression. (C) The median survival times of the flies were calculated from the survival curves (B) of six independent experiments and then averaged for their mean ± SEM. The increased percentage (parenthesis) of the rpd3 mutant's median survival time is represented following normalization with the wild-type's median (21.4 hours). (D) Expression level of the rpd3 gene between two single transgene controls (+/armG4, rpd3Ri/+) and the double transgene experimental groups (rpd3Ri/armG4) from twelve independent experiments. (E) The difference in oxidative stress tolerance between the two controls and the experimental group. The p-value represents the comparison between the controls and rpd3Ri/armG4. (F) The median survival times of the flies were calculated from the survival curves (E) of four independent experiments and then normalized with the median of the control (+/armG4: 22.7 hours).