Figure 2. Stress resistance induced by heart-specific Rpd3 downregulation.
(A, C, E) Tolerance against oxidation (A), starvation (C), and heat stressors (E) between 2-day-old male flies of wild-type (+/+), single transgene controls (+/tinG4 and rpd3Ri/+) and heart-specific Rpd3 downregulation (rpd3Ri/tinG4). The survival curves show statistical significance in p-values (log-rank test), indicating that resistance to each stressor is enhanced with reduced rpd3 expression in the heart. (B, D, F) The percent change in fly median survival time against the three stressors is shown as mean ± SEM that were calculated from the stress response curves (A, C, E) of 7 - 18 independent experiments. The data represents percentages (%) normalized from the +/tinG4 genotype medians (oxidation: 26.1; starvation: 36.6; heat: 21.1 hours).