Research Paper Volume 7, Issue 11 pp 986—999

Screening of a kinase library reveals novel pro-senescence kinases and their common NF-κB-dependent transcriptional program


Figure 5. Intracellular NF-κB targets induction by anti-proliferative kinases correlates to SASP components.

(A-C) IMR-90 normal human fibroblasts were infected with a control vector or the indicated kinase-encoding retroviral vector. Five days after infection, RNAs were prepared and RT-qPCR was performed to quantify (A) IKBA, (B) SOD2, and (C) COX2 transcripts. Results were normalized with respect to the level of ACTB mRNA. (D) For p16, each cytokine, and each NF-κB target, relative (log2) fold induction is indicated on a heatmap versus the inducing kinase. (E) Correlograms and correlation matrix (non-parametric Spearman method) showing correlations between fold change induction datasets. Rho values and associated p-values are displayed.