Research Paper Volume 8, Issue 8 pp 1718—1734

Biological and biophysics aspects of metformin-induced effects: cortex mitochondrial dysfunction and promotion of toxic amyloid pre-fibrillar aggregates


Figure 1. Metformin reaches the brain and activate AMPK. (a) and (b) Mice were untreated or treated with metformin for seven days and the fluorescence in the brain was quantified by bioimaging. Fluorescence values are referred to the control. (c) Western blot of proteins extracted from brains of metformin untreated (C) or treated mice (Met) and incubated with phospho-AMPK (p-AMPK) and β-Actin (loading control) antibodies. (d) Quantification of immunoreactivity using densitometric analysis. Representative images from 2 animals for condition are shown. n=5 per group.