Figure 4. Cldn10-positive cells encompassing traces of subcellular structures of club cells are observed in the airspace of IPF lungs. Resin-embedded lung sections from patients with IPF were labeled for Cldn10 using immunogold labeling method. Arrows in (G, H & I) denote Cldn10 signals. (A, B) Two adjacent cells (within the boxed region in A) are spotted in the airspace off from the fibrotic interstitium to the left (area circled by dashed line in (A). Note that the two adjacent cells shown in (B) are connected. (C) One of the two adjacent cells display elongated oval shape. (D, E, F) Two adjacent cells are barely connected at lateral membrane, apparently via tight junction (E). Cldn10 is absent in the tight junction (D & E). Presence of granules in the cytoplasm of one cell is noted (area surrounded by dot-dashed line in (D). The other cell displays a well-developed network of endoplasmic reticulum (F). (G) Magnified view of the boxed region in (B) displays cytoplasmic and nuclear expression of Cldn10. (H, I) Magnified views of the boxed regions in (C) display cytoplasmic (H, I) and nuclear (H) expression of Cldn10. Original magnifications: x1,500 (A); x5,000 (B); x8,000 (C); x30,000 (F); x40,000 (D); x60,000 (G); x80,000 (H); x120,000 (E, I).