Figure 1. Changes in locomotor activity in young and aged mice after fasting or exposure to novelty stress/water avoidance stress. (A) left: average voluntary movements after 24-h fasting in the dark/light phase, right: the 24-h changes after 24-h fasting in young mice, (B) left: average voluntary movements after novelty stress in the dark phase, right: the 24-h changes after novelty stress in young and aged mice, (C) left: average voluntary movements after water avoidance stress (WAS) in the dark phase, right: the 24-h changes after WAS in young and aged mice. *, ***; P < 0.05, 0.001 vs. fed or age-matched basal/control mice, ##, ###; P < 0.01, 0.001 between young and aged mice, n = 8, 14–16, or 7–8.