Screening upstream potential pseudogenes of has- miR-26b-5p in pancreatic cancer. (A) The pseudogenes- has-miR-26b-5p network constructed by Cytoscape. (B) The expression levels of NAMPTP1 in pancreatic cancer. (C) The expression levels of NCF1B in pancreatic cancer. (D) The expression levels of NCF1C in pancreatic cancer. (E) The expression correlation of has- miR-26b-5p and NAMPTP1 in pancreatic cancer. (F) The expression correlation of has-miR-26b-5p and NCF1B in pancreatic cancer. (G) The expression correlation of has- miR-26b-5p and NCF1C in pancreatic cancer. “*” represents “P-value < 0.05”.