Figure 7. KRT6A may participate in regulating TAMs in PDAC. (A) Venn diagram of common DEGs between PDAC and ANT and between the M0-high group and the M0-low group. (B) Correlation of gene expression between KRT6A and various TAM-related genes in PDAC. (C) Heatmap of TAM-related gene expression patterns of the KRT6A-high group and KRT6A-low group in PDAC. (D) KEGG (left) and GO (right) pathway enrichment analyses of DEGs between the KRT6A-high group and the KRT6A-low group. (E, F) Protein-protein interaction network related to KRT6A using STRING (E) and GeneMANIA (F). (G) Survival analysis of the KRT6A-high group and the KRT6A-low group in TCGA PAAD data (left) and GSE57495 (right).