This article is currently undergoing investigation.
Research Paper Volume 13, Issue 1 pp 411—423

The improved anticancer effects of Bortezomib-loaded hollow mesoporous silica nanospheres on lymphoma development


Figure 1. Preparation and characterization of BTZ@HMSNs. (A) The morphologies of BTZ@HMSNs by scanning electron microscope. Bar = 500 nm. (B) The morphologies of BTZ@HMSNs by transmission electron microscope. Bar = 50 nm. (C) Size distributions of BTZ@HMSNs determined by dynamic light scattering. (D) N2 adsorption–desorption curve (left) and pore distribution (right) of BTZ@HMSNs. (E) The standard curve of BTZ by plotting the absorption at 270 nm against BTZ concentrations. (F) Cumulative profiling of drug release of BTZ from the BTZ@HMSNs in phosphate-buffer saline (PBS, pH 7.4) at room temperature. BTZ, bortezomib; HMSNs, hollow mesoporous silica nanospheres