Figure 4. Neuropsychological tests of MCI subjects, which showed differences with Normal Aging subjects, and during MAP intervention study. Significant different p values (two-tailed, at p= 0.05) of Mann-Whitney U test are described comparing two groups and presented as **** p < 0.0001, *** p ≥ 0.0001 - < 0.001, ** p ≥ 0.001 - < 0.01, * p ≥ 0.01- < 0.05. In each box plot, median line, + mean, upper and lower quartiles, upper and lower extremes and whiskers are presented. The groups of the subjects represented by four different color-coded symbols with sample size are indicated in parenthesis in the legend. MCI= Mild cognitive impairment, MAP= Mindful awareness program.