Research Paper Volume 13, Issue 10 pp 14385—14398

Can repeat IVF/ICSI cycles compensate for the natural decline in fertility with age? an estimate of cumulative live birth rates over multiple IVF/ICSI cycles in Chinese advanced-aged population


Figure 3. Cumulative live birth rates according to ovarian reserve in different age groups. (AC) The optimal estimated cumulative live birth rates stratified by ovarian reserve in different age groups. (DF) The conservative estimated cumulative live birth rates stratified by ovarian reserve in different age groups. CLBR, cumulative live birth rates. Notes: *The optimal estimated CLBR assumes that women who discontinued IVF/ICSI treatments would have live-birth rate similar to those continuing treatments. The conservative estimated CLBR assumes that women who discontinued IVF treatments would have a live-birth rate of zero if they continued treatments.