Research Paper Volume 13, Issue 23 pp 25072—25088

Construction and validation of a metabolic gene-associated prognostic model for cervical carcinoma and the role on tumor microenvironment and immunity


Figure 4. Correlation analysis between the MGPM and clinicopathological features in low- and high-risk CC patients. (A) A heatmap showed the correlation between the MGPM-based risk score and tumor microenvironment (ESTIMATEScore) or clinicopathological parameters using the Chi-square test. There were statistically significant differences in ESTIMATEScore, survival status and tumor node metastasis classification (T, N and M stages) of low- and high-risk groups. (BE) The distribution of risk scores based on MGPM stratified according to (B) stage (stages I–II vs. stages III–IV), (C) T stage (T1-2 vs. T3-4), (D) M stage (M0 vs. M1) and (E) N stage (N0 vs. N1-2).