Figure 2. Functional enrichment analyses of DEGs between high- and low-GDI2 expression in TCGA-LIHC patients. (A) Twelve significant GO terms and KEGG pathway enrichment of DEGs between high- and low-GDI2 expression in TCGA-LIHC patients. (B–E) Enrichment plots of (B) Fatty acid metabolism, (C) Angiogenesis, (D) G2M checkpoint, (E) Epithelial mesenchymal transition pathways of Hallmarks symbols by GSEA analysis. *adj.P = 0.008, FDR = 0.002. (F–I) Enrichment plots of (F) Fatty acid metabolism by REACTOME, (G) Cell extracellular matrix interactions by REACTOME, (H) P53 regulation pathway by PID, (I) Cell adhesion molecules CAMS by KEGG of C2_curated symbols by GSEA analysis. adj. **adj.P = 0.017, FDR = 0.009. (J) Visualized protein-protein interaction enrichment of DEGs associated with GDI2 expression by STRING online database (Combined score > 0.7).