Research Paper Volume 14, Issue 15 pp 6006—6027
Article has an altmetric score of 40

Senolytic drugs relieve pain by reducing peripheral nociceptive signaling without modifying joint tissue damage in spontaneous osteoarthritis


Figure 3. Senolytics treatment (ABT263 and D+Q) decreases the projection of nociceptive neuro-fiber in the synovium in spontaneous OA in aged mice. (A) Representative immunofluorescence images for CGRP, NGF, and TrkA in the synovium of 21 to 22-month-old mice were administered ABT263 or Veh (synovium indicated by dashed lines). Quantification of (B) density of CGRP+ nerve fibers (n = 3 mice for Veh, n = 5 mice for ABT263), (C) NGF positive area (n = 3 for Veh, n = 5 for ABT263), (D) relative mRNA levels of NGF in the joints (n = 4 for Veh, n = 7 for ABT263), and (E) density of TrkA+ nerve fibers in the mouse joint synovium (positive for each marker indicated by arrows) (n = 3 for Veh, n = 5 for ABT263). (F) Images of immunostaining of CGRP+ neuro-fibers, NGF expressions, and TrkA+ fibers. Quantitative analysis of the (G) density of CGRP+ sensory nerve fibers (n = 5 per group) and (H) NGF positive area in the synovium of aged mice administered D+Q (n = 5 for Veh, n = 7 for D+Q). (I) Relative mRNA levels of NGF in the joints (n = 4 for Veh, n = 6 for D+Q). (J) Quantitative analysis of the density of TrkA+ nerve fibers in the synovium of aged mice after D+Q administration (n = 5 for Veh, n = 7 for D+Q). Relative mRNA levels of VEGF and ATF4 in the joint of (K) ABT263 or Veh (n = 4 for Veh, n = 7 for ABT263) and (L) D+Q or Veh-treated older mice (n = 4 for Veh, n = 6 for D+Q). Whisker plots represent the 10th and 90th percentiles, and the line corresponds to the median. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01; Unpaired Student’s t-test. Scale bars, 50 μm.