Figure 5. circKIF4A functions as a ceRNA to regulate CLDN14 (**P < 0.01). (A) The predicted miR-1238 binding sites within CLDN14. (B) qRT-PCR detected CLDN14 expression in NSCLC cell lines. (C) CLDN14 expression in 42 pairs of normal adjacent tissues and NSCLC tissue. (D) The result of Luciferase assay. (E) qRT-PCR detected CLDN14 expression. (F) Enrichment of circKIF4A, CLDN14 and miR-1238 to Ago2. (G) RIP assay on Ago2 was performed. (H) qRT-PCR detected CLDN14 expression. (I) IHC staining of CLDN14 were shown.