Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 4 pp 982—1003

Identification of cellular heterogeneity and key signaling pathways associated with vascular remodeling and calcification in young and old primate aortas based on single-cell analysis


Figure 2. Characteristics of ECs and their subpopulations. (A) Volcano plot of DEG (average log fold change > 0.25, P value < 0.01) between young and old group. (B) GOBP analysis of upregulated DEG. (C) UMAP plots of EC subpopulations displayed by cell type. (D) Heatmap showing the top 10 genes of each EC subpopulation (left) and GOBP enriched by upregulated DEG in each subpopulation (right). Abbreviations: DEG: differentially expressed genes; GOBP: gene ontology biological process.