Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 2 pp 396—420

Light modulates Drosophila lifespan via perceptual systems independent of circadian rhythms


Figure 6. A weekly 6 hr phase advance and delay had no influence on Drosophila lifespan. (A) Experimental design used to subject flies to a light cycle similar in nature to frequent jet lag, or a shift worker who works 4 days a week. Flies were subjected to a six-hour phase advance, then four days later a six-hour phase delay, with individual days always having 12 hr: 12 hr light:dark schedule. (B, C) The shifting light schedule had little to no effect on male WT lifespan, in both yellow white (B) (12:12 LD n = 188, shift-schedule n = 193; P = 0.036) and w1118 (C) (12:12 LD n = 195, shift-schedule n = 194; P = 0.099) fly strains.