Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 10 pp 4391—4410

Hairy gene homolog increases nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell stemness by upregulating Bmi-1


Figure 5. RNAi-induced knockdown of Bmi-1 suppressed the EMT, migration and invasion of NPC cells in vitro. (A) The mRNA levels of various genes in shBmi-1-expressing NPC cells were determined using qRT-PCR. (B, C) Wound healing assays were performed in shBmi-1-expressing 5-8F and SUNE1 cells. Migration activity was measured based on the distance from the scratch boundary lines to the cell-free space for 24 hours. (D, E) The motility and invasiveness of shBmi-1-expressing NPC cells were determined using Transwell migration and Boyden invasion assays, respectively.