Research Paper

Identification of neoantigens and immunological subtypes in clear cell renal cell carcinoma for mRNA vaccine development and patient selection


Figure 1. Potential antigen identification and enrichment of gene ontology (GO). (A) Overview of alternate splicing (AS) in ccRCC patients. (B) PSI of all the AS events, Green represents downregulated gene expression, while red represents upregulated gene expression. (C) Heatmap of PSI for the top 100 AS events. (D) Twenty highly mutated genes in ccRCC patients from TCGA cohort. (E) Total of 901 potential antigens were found in PSI, which were significantly upregulated after frame shift mutations, Green represents frame shift genes, while red represents PSI up genes. (F) Expression of 156 potential antigens was significantly regulated. (G, H). Frequency of somatic mutations and genes/patients involved. (G, H). GO enrichment of significantly upregulated/downregulated potential antigens.