Research Paper Volume 6, Issue 10 pp 835—851

PHA-4/FOXA-regulated microRNA feed forward loops during Caenorhabditis elegans dietary restriction


Figure 1.

Differential regulation of miRNA population in WT and eat-2(ad1116). A scatter plot of miRNAs commonly expressed between WT and eat-2(ad1116) in (A) day 1 young-adult worms or (B) aging day 8 worms. For this, we considered 120 (day 1) or 78 (day 8) miRNAs (see Table S3) that changed expression in eat-2(ad1116) as compared to WT and had read counts >10. (C) Validation of sequencing results by quantitative real-time PCR. The miRNA expresion of young-adult eat-2(ad1116) was compare to WT worms collected on day 1 of adulthood. Error bars indicate standard deviation between independent biological replicates. The p-values were calculated byt-test (* represent p < 0.05).