Research Paper Volume 9, Issue 3 pp 932—954

MiR-34a-3p alters proliferation and apoptosis of meningioma cells in vitro and is directly targeting SMAD4, FRAT1 and BCL2


Figure 2. Western blot for SMAD4, FRAT1 and BCL2 protein expression after deregulation of miR-34a-3p in Ben-Men-1 cells. (A, B, C) Representative Western blot images for SMAD4, FRAT1 and BCL2 protein expression 48 h after transfection of Ben-Men-1 cells with control (scrambled), miR-34a-3p (mimic) or anti-miR-34a-3p (inhibitor) using β-actin as loading control. (D, E, F) Quantification of SMAD4, FRAT1 and BCL2 protein expression relative to β-actin protein expression determined by Western blot. Values are means ± SD of three independent experiments (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01).