Figure 5. ARHGAP18 promotes the metastatic phenotype of HCC. (A-B) Transwell migration assay was performed in the miR-153-5p-transfected or ARHGAP18-silencing HCCLM3 cells. (C) Transwell migration assay was carried out in CDKN2BAS-overexpressing cells after ARHGAP18 knockdown. (D) The expression of ARHGAP18 in cancer tissues and paired adjacent non-cancer tissues in the non-metastatic group was determined; (E) The expression of ARHGAP18 in cancer tissues and paired adjacent non-cancer tissues in the metastatic group was determined; (F) The correlation between CDKN2BAS transcript and ARHGAP18 mRNA was analyzed in 44 metastatic HCC tissues.