Research Paper Volume 11, Issue 14 pp 4910—4922

Blood autophagy defect causes accelerated non-hematopoietic organ aging


Figure 2. Multiple aging-like organ abnormalities in the Atg7-deleted mice in hematopoietic system. (A) Alteration of heart in morphology and size in the Atg7-deleted mice. Left panel, representative image of heart unstained (upper) and HE stained (down); right panel, heart/body weight ratio (coefficients) of the Atg7-deleted and wild-type mice. (B) Lung coefficients of the Atg7-deleted and wild-type mice. (C) Spleen coefficients of the Atg7-deleted and wild-type mice. (D) Alteration of bone mineral density. Upper, micro-CT analysis of bones of in the Atg7-deleted mice and the same-age wild-type mice as well as old wild-type mice; down, HE staining of bones from 12-week wild-type, Atg7-deleted, and old wild-type mice.