Figure 3. Alk5i+OT treatment improves cognitive performance in aged mice. (A) Schematics of the whisker-dependent texture discrimination task. (B, C) Alk5i+OT treatment does not affect the explorative behavior of aged mice during the encoding phase (B, p=0.659), but significantly improves the performance in texture discrimination (C, p<0.001). (D) Schematics of the NOR test. (E, F) Alk5i+OT treatment does not affect the explorative behavior of aged mice during the encoding phase (E, p=0.864), but significantly enhances their preference to the novel object during the testing phase (C, p<0.001). n = 7 for both tasks. Light grey: individual animal. Black: group average. Error bars: S.E.M. p<0.001.