This article is currently undergoing investigation.
Research Paper Volume 11, Issue 18 pp 7570—7586

Upregulation of miR-93 and inhibition of LIMK1 improve ventricular remodeling and alleviate cardiac dysfunction in rats with chronic heart failure by inhibiting RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway activation


Figure 7. Myocardial histopathological changes in rats were inhibited by up-regulation of miR-93 or downregulation of LIMK1. (A) HE staining of myocardial tissues in each group (× 400, scale bar 25 μm); (B) Ultrastructure of cardiomyocytes in each group (× 3000, scale bar 3 μm); (C) Masson staining of myocardial tissues in each group (× 200, scale bar 50 μm).