Research Paper Volume 11, Issue 22 pp 10385—10408

Rotating magnetic field delays human umbilical vein endothelial cell aging and prolongs the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans


Figure 5. RMF increased the lifespan of C. elegans and reduced damage under stress conditions. (A, B) Changes of Ca2+ and ATP levels in C. elegans after RMF treatment. (C) The lifespan of 240 N2 C. elegans eggs following RMF treatment for 0 h/d (control), 1 h/d, 2 h/d and 4 h/d was recorded. (D) The lifespan of 240 N2 C. elegans eggs following RMF treatment for 0 h/d (control) and 2 h/d in the presence and absence of glucose was recorded. (E) Worms were treated with RMF for 0 h/d (control) and 2 h/d at 20°C for 4 days, and then exposed to thermal shock at 37°C. (F) Curves showing the non-paralyzed fraction nematodes in each group following treatment of C. elegans eggs with RMF for 0 h/d (control) and 2 h/d. CL4176 C. elegans were raised from the egg stage to the L3 stage at 15°C and then transferred to an environment at 25°C.