Figure 9. Activation of XIAP alleviates dyslipidemia in PA-treated cells in vitro. AML-12 and primary hepatocytes were transfected with pUNO1/XIAP plasmid for 24 h, followed by PA (250 μM) treatment for additional 24 h. (A) Transfection efficacy calculation using qPCR and western blot detection in 50 ng or 100 ng plasmid-treated cells. (B) After transfection with 100 ng vectors, representative western blot and qPCR analysis of the expression of ACCα, FAS and SCD1 in PA-induced hepatocytes and AML-12 cell line. (C) Determination of cellular TG and TC levels in AML-12 and hepatocytes was next detected. (D) qPCR analysis for genes associated with fatty acid metabolism, including CD36, FATP1, FABP1, CPT-1α and PPARα, in cells treated as indicated. For all bar plots shown, data are expressed as the mean ± SEM. n = 8 per group. ap < 0.05 vs. EV/PA.