Figure 1. Expression of miR-126-5p in clinical samples. (A) Column chart showing the differences in miR-126-5p expression in the TM and DM samples between aneurysm patients (n = 8) and Matsushima grade-A patients (n = 8) before anastomosis formation. (B) Column chart showing the differences in miR-126-5p expression between aneurysm patients and Matsushima grade-A patients after anastomosis formation. (C) Column chart showing the differences in miR-126-5p expression between aneurysm patients and Matsushima grade-C patients (n = 8) before anastomosis formation. (D) Column chart showing the differences in miR-126-5p expression between aneurysm patients and Matsushima grade-C patients after anastomosis formation. (E) Column chart showing the differences in miR-126-5p expression between Matsushima grade-A patients and Matsushima grade-C patients before anastomosis formation. (F) Column chart showing the differences in miR-126-5p expression between Matsushima grade-A patients and Matsushima grade-C patients 3 months after anastomosis formation. (G) Column chart showing the differences in miR-126-5p expression in the TM and DM samples from Matsushima grade-A patients (n = 8) before and after anastomosis formation. (H) Column chart showing the differences in miR-126-5p expression in the TM and DM samples from Matsushima grade-C patients (n = 8) before and after anastomosis formation. The error bars represent the ±SDs. TM: temporal muscle; DM: dura mater.