" name="description"> Healthspan pathway maps in C. elegans and humans highlight transcription, proliferation/biosynthesis and lipids - Figure f1 | Aging
Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 13 pp 12534—12581

Healthspan pathway maps in C. elegans and humans highlight transcription, proliferation/biosynthesis and lipids


Figure 1. A healthspan pathway map for humans, based on Supplementary Tables 13, including the list of pathways/clusters with their labels as assigned by AutoAnnotate and their size (number of genes). The largest pathway is zoomed in to reveal details. The size of a gene node is proportional to its GeneMANIA score, which indicates the relevance of the gene with respect to the original list of genes to which another 20 genes are added by GeneMANIA, based on the network data. Genes upregulated by CR are shown in yellow, downregulated genes are shown in blue, and grey denotes genes for which no expression values are available in the caloric restriction dataset [37]. The color of an edge refers to the source of the edge in the underlying network, that is co-expression (pink), common pathway (green), physical interactions (red), shared protein domains (brown), co-localization (blue), predicted (orange), and genetic interaction (green). The thickness of an edge is proportional to its GeneMANIA “normalized max weight”, based on the network data. Genes from the GeneMANIA input list feature a thick circle, while genes added by GeneMANIA do not.