Figure 2. Expression of PGC-1α and ERRα in endometrial cancer cells. (A) related mRNA expression and (B) protein expression pattern of PGC-1α and ERRα in RL-952, ECC-1, HEC-1A and HEC-1B endometrial cancer cells. (C) PGC-1α and ERRα mRNA expression and (D) protein levels was significantly up-regulated after the infection with lentivirus targeted on OV-ERRα. Relative mRNA expression in ECC-1 (E) and HEC-1A (F) cells treated with XCT790 showed a downregulation of ERRα. (G) PGC-1α and ERRα mRNA expression (H) protein levels was significantly down-regulated after the infection with PGC-1α-siRNA, ERRα is consistent with PGC-1α regulation. Relative mRNA expression of PGC-1α is consistent with ERRα regulation. *mean P<0.05, # mean P>0.05.