Figure 1. The peak activation of FANCD2-V2 is earlier than FANCD2-V1 in cells treated with UVB. (A) The peak level of monoubiquitinated FANCD2-V2 showed at an earlier time point comparing to FANCD2-V2. U2OS cells were treated with UVB (25J/m2) and collected at the time points indicated in the Figure. Nuclear extractions were subsequently prepared for western blotting of FANCD2-V1 or-V2 proteins through using specific antibodies recognizing V1 or V2 respectively. The relative ratio L/S of monoubiquitinated FANCD2 (L-form) over non-monoubiquitinated FANCD2 (S-form) was shown in the right to indicate different kinetics between the two forms of FANCD2 activation (the ratios of FANCD2-V2 L/S were normalized by the ratio at time 0, considered as 1). (B) Focus formation of FANCD2-V2 is earlier than FANCD2-V1. U2OS cells were treated by UVB (25J/m2) and collected after 30min or 3h, then together with untreated cells were prepared for immunofluorescent studies. Anti-FANCD2-V1 or anti-FANCD2-V1 specific antibodies were used for the primary incubation. The anti-Rabbit-Alexa 488 (green) was used for the secondary incubation. DAPI was used for the nuclear stain. Focus formation of FANCD2-V2 can be shown clearly at 30min after UVB-treatment and vanished at 3h, but FANCD2-V1 foci were not clearly shown until 3h tested. (C) The peak intensity of FANCD2-V2 in the nucleus of a live cell is earlier than FANCD2-V1. The live imaging on cells transfected with both GFP-FANCD2-V2 and RFP-FANCD2-V1 was conducted by taking photos every 30min post UVB-treatment (25J/m2). Owing to the time needed to set up, the earliest image was only available at time 1h 15min post treatment (